Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Final outcome again...........woooot

My outcome for corporate website oh ....hehe

This is my enter page.....woot woot girl...
but not me oh.......>.<haahhahahah.....^^


Healthy Tips in my website....

About us

Gallery .....many beautiful picture in that....

Site map for the page...

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Client: AngsanaSpa


大致上可分為四種,有Angsana SpaBayan Tree SpaBan Sabai SpaMandara Spa

Angsana Spa
28種療程,所有的療材都源自於深具滋潤效果的天然水果,較受歡迎的療程有全身抒壓按摩療程及肌膚美容護理療程,其中Ayurvedic 按摩、Fusion按摩、Angsana按摩最受旅客喜愛,能消除緊張,舒緩緊繃的肌肉,幫助血液循環,讓人從頭到煥然如新。而肌膚護理以傳統泰式草藥護理和香蕉泥護膚最為熱門,能促進肌膚自然新生,變得更光滑細緻,增添無限迷人風情。

Banyan Tree Spa
3種,所使 用的療材都是從天然植物及礦物中提煉出,較受歡迎的療程為Royal BanyanHarmony Banyan,經由專業按摩師傅,依照身體的構造,運用不同力道按摩身體,促進血液循環,減輕肌肉壓力,再搭配不同香氣的精油,經由呼吸系統的傳導,達到真正舒緩放鬆的功效。

Ban Sabai Spa
Ban Sabai Spa提供的療程有按摩、身體護理、藥草浴、手
指甲保養,以及35小時不等的組合療程,最大的特色是以當地傳統按摩及草藥療法為主。較受歡迎的療程是藥草精油按摩,混合包括了辛香料、柑橘、香茅等精油,加上溫和的按壓方式,精油慢慢滲入肌膚,讓身體自然放鬆,達到舒緩全身肌肉壓力的目的。Ban Sabai Spa更提供全套的Home Spa療材,全是由自然植物及礦物中提煉,讓您在家也能從頭到煥然一新。

Mandara Spa


精油, essentiail是指從植物的花、葉、根和樹脂中所提煉的,具有高度芳香性的物質。這是植物為了在大自然中生存,自己所準備的、能量十足的油分,其中含有數百種類的不同成分。


調整體各種物質的分泌,使身心恢復協調。 消除憂鬱的心情和疲勞感令人感到清新的芳香。

花梨木 Rosewood
在木質特有的香味基礎上,混 合著甜甜的花香。當心煩惱時,可以使人振奮、精神煥發。

玫瑰草 Palmarosa
甜甜的花香中飄揚著淡淡的玫瑰氣息,略帶乾草味。 除了可以安撫情緒以外,也可以令人振奮、耳目一新。

玫瑰精油 Rose absolute
將玫瑰花以「溶劑抽取法」所萃取的精油。優雅的香味 能安撫不安定的情緒。

佛手柑 Bergamot
濃厚、甘甜的水果香味。令人感到愉快、豪華的香味,會 感到心盛開著春天的鮮花。 每次深呼吸時,就可以感受到 其在沙漠中的頑強生命力。在法語 的古語中,代表「真正的焚香」的 意思。

天竺葵 Geranium
持續數世紀以來,天竺葵一直 被認為可以驅除惡靈,因此,是一 種「能量十足」的芳香。帶有玫瑰 花香的薄荷味道,可以令心情獲得 放鬆。

薰衣草 lanvender
清澈的淡淡水果香,令心感到十分充實。可 以緩和疲勞的心靈,使人變得更加坦誠。

檀香 Sandalwood
自古以來,就是寺院等建築物 所使用的木材。充滿東方色彩的木 香。是一種適合在冥想時使用的, 充滿神秘氣息的芳香。

岩蘭草 Vetiver
飄著泥土芬芳的香味。強而有 力的安心感可以使心恢復平靜, 所以,也被稱為「靜寂的精油」。 是消除精神壓力的萬能藥。

馬鬱蘭 Marjoram
甘甜的果實香味。今人生安心、 溫暖的感覺。也可以輕柔地癒合 心的創傷。

橙花 Neroli
橙花的芳香。細緻的甜蜜花香 縈繞不去。只要聞一聞,就今人感 覺萬分幸福。對失眠和情緒低落十 分有效。

洋甘菊 Chamomile
在西臘語中,代表「地上的蘋 果」的意思。可以減輕心靈的負 擔,令人放鬆的香味。

香蜂草 MeIissa
清新的柑橘香味。高雅的香味 今人感到「品味十足」。在聞到香 味的那一瞬間,會感覺身體有一 道新鮮的光芒。

快樂鼠尾草 Clary sage

依蘭 Ylang ylang

葡萄柚 Grapefruit


茉莉 Jasmine
熱情的神聖花香。今人陶醉的 甜蜜花香充滿能量。可以喚醒身心的能量,令自己生自信。

廣藿香 Patchouli

薄荷 Peppeermint

Black Pepper

絲柏 Cypress

迷迭香 ROSemary

杜松 Juniper
將凝固的感情和躁一掃而光。當淚眼婆娑時,今人及早擺鬱悶的情 緒,充滿活力。

茶樹 Tea tree

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My moodboard

Client: AngsanaSpa

this is my moodboard....there are some keyword to lead me to my moodboard..

my simple layout...look simple right...
the green stick in putting flash to bring msg...
and the smoke is the beginning before the content come in...I add some flower for that cos showing the smoke got the smell of flower smell..

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Goal for redesign

Client: AngsanaSpa


  • remain and stronger the identity
  • encourage visitor to visit the spa
  • increase the sales
  • increase the viewing of visitors in site
  • giving people the relaxing feeling through angsana spa
  • to convenient the visitor to browse though the website and online booking
Mission Statement
  • 1st aim: wanna give a good impression to visitor.Wanna send this message out to every VISITOR that angsanaspa is a good and relaxing place for them to relax their mind, soul and recharge their battery.
  • They are holding the main concept which is help working people to feel their muscles being kneaded and the tension seep away from your body as you drift off to soothing music and enter a realm of blissful happiness and total relaxation
  • giving quality products and outstanding customer service in a warm and friendly environment.
  • a unique retreat for men and women to escape the rigors of daily stress and to replenish the body and soul
  • Providing some health tips for customer
  • provide the convenience of booking through internet and be member
Thing that I might put inside website
  • User friendly
  • Colour mood might change a bit, wanna make it more relax feeling
  • Add some flash or more interesting image to attract the visitor
  • Easy to navigate
  • Add some button like "map, lastest new and etc
  • Choose the correct typefont
  • Well organise the content
  • Healthy tips
  • Online booking to convience the customer
Target Audience
  • 1st: working people
  • 2nd: high class people

Unique selling point : Angasan spa using aroma of exotic oils like rosemary, lavendar, jasmine and frangipani wafting the air. It can help working people to feel their muscles being kneaded and the tension seep away from your body as you drift off to soothing music and enter a realm of blissful happiness and total relaxation..
Angsana Spa presents a contemporary image with its vibrant look and refreshing hues of lime green, tangerine, yellow and red. The artistic décor and inspiring colours reflect and complement Angsana's vivacious outlook on life. Guests can enjoy their treatments in serene open-air pavilions or in the cool air-conditioned comfort of indoor treatment rooms.

Well nowadays, people are busy for their courier or other stuff. They are always facing the stress..their energy might gone sometimes. So spa is the best place for them to get rest and relaxing place. In ANGSANA SPA , people will feel the muscles being kneaded and the tension seep away from thier body as you drift off to soothing music and enter a realm of blissful happiness and total relaxation. Because they special emphasis on the use of aromatherapy and the sense of touch to pamper the body, mind and soul.
Angsana spa had take care the facilities so well in the center, so they should be take care of their webpage too..SO that the webpage also can attract the visitor to come and visit the center. Seem like Angsana spa is popular in the world wide. Then this webpage should be more professional and high standard feeling/ relax feeling..
Everything should be well organise for visitor to look through it. I think if you apply some soft music inside it might give you the relaxing feel and not stressful while visiting this webpage.

Well Im going to remain the colour of yellow cos there is a reason why they are using "yellow". (The Angsana is a statuesque tree found in the tropical rainforest of Asia. It is best noted for its crown of flowers that burst into a fragrant shower of *golden-yellow blooms* unexpectedly.) At 1st I I visit the web, I feel that is too yellow..But they have the reasonable reason to use yellow so I would not going to change it...but I will try to reduce the colour mood down a bit , make it not too yellow...cos it wouldnt feel relax with yellow..
I might change a bit color mood...the orange will be remove and add some green color on the website. why? cos every flower also got leaves, so I apply green colour to make it more relaxing and natural feeling .

aroma of exotic oils, soothing music, realm of blissful happiness and total relaxation, Perfect for recharging, ejuvenating your mind, body and spirit,

Analysis Competitor 3

This is Devarana Spa website



  • Best Scrub - Spa Asia Crystal Awards(2004)
  • Best Spa - BK Magazine Readers' Choice Awards (2003 - 2006)
  • Favorite Spa - BK Magazine Readers' Choice Awards (2007)
  • Spa retail
  • Spa cuisine

  • Blended oil
  • Body treatment
  • Spa bath
Every page have different colour

  • 3 fonts

Button always on the left side

Flash/ Effect /Transition
  • Flash in "spa cuisine" and "spa retail"
  • Bangkok
  • Pattaya
  • Hua hin
  • Chiang Mai
  • Manila
Layout Grid
  • 3 column
About the good

Webpage seem simple but there are a lot of information inside.
I like the hidden button, it makes the webpage look clean
The color mood not bad.
There are 2 languages inside ( japanese and english)
There is a similarity between the logo and the webpage ( plant)
I like the scroll bar inside the webpage

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Analysis Competitor 2

This is Jojoba International website



  • Royale Pure White
  • Royale Traditional
  • Royale Healer
  • Royale Paradise
  • Royale Nature
  • Royale Tropical
  • Royale Herbal
  • Royale Indulgence
  • Royale Ultimate
  • Rimba Harmony
  • Royale Special
  • Royale Signature

  • Milk Body mask
  • Ear candle
  • Aroma
  • coffee scrub
  • ginger tea
  • etc.
  • Brown
  • Yellow
  • White
  • 3 fonts

Home: button on the left side
Content : button on the right side
Sub navigation also in the webpage
  • Spa packages
  • Etiquette & policy
  • Map & direction
  • Enquiries
  • Grand opening

Flash/ Effect /Transition
  • There is a small flash on the top of the website
  • Kuala Lumpur
Layout Grid
  • 2 coloumn 3 row
About the good

I like the rollover effect, is like growing effect.
The colour mood is quite suitable with the spa centre
The photo that taken quite interesting and attracting me to visit the place
There are extra button that quite interesting..
  • lastest new & promotion
  • virtual tour
  • press & media center
  • government & tourism product
  • roadshow & travel fair

Analysis Competitor 1

This is Natural Beauty Spa website.


  • Body Massage
  • Face Treatment
  • Photo Flash Therapy (PTF) Treatment
  • Herbal
  • Aroma Therapy
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • White
  • 3 fonts

Home: button on the left side
Content : button on the top of the website
  • About us
  • Treatment
  • Courses
  • Location map
  • Contact us

Flash/ Effect /Transition
  • Flash on the main page that bring out the message
  • Fade in effect inside the content page
  • A small flash is on the left side of the content page
  • Johor bahru
Layout Grid
  • Main page: 2 coloumn
  • Content: 2 row 2 column
About the good and bad

Flash on the main page bring the msg out. There are some fade in effect so the website is not so bored when you visit it.
I like the colour mood.Is feel like fresh feeling.
They using a lot of images to explanation how they look like.
There is shadow below the button in the content page
Well organisation , seem more clean
They even got a location map, showing us where are they.

There are no rolleffect on the main page
The loading page are a bit slow , is will make the visitor unpatient.

Analysis Redesign Angsanaspa

This is my client website..


  • Essence of angsana
  • Body polishes
  • Body conditioner
  • Massages
  • Facial
  • Essential pampering
  • emphasis on the use of aromatherapy and the sense of touch to pamper the body, mind and soul
  • Golden yellow
  • Orange
  • White
  • more than three types
Navigation button
Main page: button is on the top of the website
Content : button is on the left side of the website
  • Resort spas
  • Day spas
  • Spa promotion
  • Spa membership
  • Spa Gift
  • About us
  • Spa 101
  • Home
Flash/ Effect/ Transition
  • no
  • International place: sydney, egypt, malaysia, ireland, hong kong and etc.
Layout grid
  • main page: 4 row
  • content: 2row 2 column

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Corporate website Part ll

Visa Inc.

Main page:

Content page:


Visa is the world's largest retail electronic payments, network and one of the most recognized global financial services brands.
Well in this website, it providing the information of their products, service , security and etc...
The layout of the website is quite simple.
They just using three colur for this website which is blue, gry and orange ( while rollover and clickable button)
On the main page when the mouse rollover the link, it will show some information for us to take a look.
A flash on the main page which wriiten there " building trust one payment at a time". This flash help the customer to get the message easily.
There is no drop down menu and yet it is organize so tidy and convenient for customer to visit.

Main page:

Content page:

They using 2 column grid system for this website.
The grid is quite simple.

This sub navigation is easy for people to visit it

There is a search engine for them to find things easily. Cos they are a lot of content inside the website.

This website is based on text-based..So is quite a lot of content inside.
This website is user friendly and tidy for visitor to visit this website.
Well if the whole website move to middle, I think it will look more better.^^


Main page:

Content page:


They using a simple layout to appear on our 1st eye..They just using a simple flash with showing 2 images of Mona.Vie.
This website is expaain about their product.
They providing some information of the following product.
There are FAQ for people to know more deeply.
Majority colour is purple and black.They using purple because Mona. Vie is purple colour.
They using drop down menu ..Thats why thw website look so clean and not even messy..
Flash appear only on the main page.

Main page:

Content page:

The grid is quite simple as you see on top.^^
They just using two column grid to put the layout.


This website is well organizing nad is prenty of space in this website.
It is user friendly and easy to explore it.

Corporate website Part l

Fantastic Sams

Main page:

Content page:


Fantastic Sams's website is about Hair Salon.
This website are telling us about:
(1) where is the salon
(2) what is their service
(3) Their hair product
(4) Become one of them
Flash appear on the main page, showing to us some nice the hair they can make for us.. Their flash help them to deliver the message to people rather than using a image only.
Everypage also got different colour.. But is look nice ^^

Main page:

Content page:

They using two column grid. Drop down menu appear when you click on the button.
They are user friendly and well organization...^^
Navigation always on our left.

There are two sub navigation to make it easy for people to explore the website..


Main page:

Content page:


Inside the website, I found that Im hungry...There are a lot of food and drink that looks so delicious...Wanna bite them oh..
Well in this website, it involves with the food, drink and coffee.
They providing the informantion of the food and drink. They are many choice in there.
I feel this website is quite clean and bright feeling.
I like the color, got the feeling related with the sweet feeling. The website telling us to bite "it"
They using drop down menu, so they can have a lot of space and wouldnt look messing..
They using boxes to hold the button.
In the main page, there are 4 flash button that can clickable.And when you click on it, it will show you some information.

Main page:

Content page:

They using 3 column grid system inside this website. Which is navigation, content and advertisement.
Well they are quite well organization.

There are 2 sub- navigation, one is at the top , one is on the bottom.
They make it easy for people to visit their website and explore it..

This website not really text based website, cos they using a lot of interesting picture to promote their stuff.