Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Assignment

Click Me

-The simpsons movie that words is the home page.
-We can also play on the main page. Eg, click the little boy.
-There are some navigation inside the image and some are bottom of the image. All contain are on the middle of the image.
-The guideline is quite simple.
-For me, I think quite not user friendly.
-The pop up thing always pop up in the same place.
-They use quite a lot fonts. More than 4 types of fonts.
-The title on the top. Disclaimer is on the lower part.

Click Me

-This website for me, I feel is a bit messy, because is like what ever thing also put in.
-The title on the top part, then is the 1st navigation. The contain is just below the 1st navigation. Disclaimer is on the lower part.
-The advertisement is on the right side.
-The guideline is simple.
-There having repetition navigation on the bottom. There also secondary navigation below the repetition navigation.
-There have a searching bar just on the top right of the website.
-After clicking on the 1st navigation, it will come out some secondary navigation .
-The contain always on the same place.
-The color is quite interesting to attract kids.
-They used more than 4 fonts.

Click Me

-This simple and nice.
-There are 3 main navigation. Is below the title. The contain are on the right side. Inside the contain there some navigation too. The disclaimer is on the bottom part.
-The color is something like blue to black.
-The fonts are around 3 types.
-When my mouse move to the navigation inside the contain, it will move and show some picture. -The guideline is simple.

Click Me

-I like this website color, the feeling is quite suitable for kids.
-For the top part (the seaching bar), I think the design is a bit mature for kids.
-The title on the top part, then is the 1st navigation. The contain is just below the 1st navigation. Disclaimer is on the lower part.
-The advertisement is on the right side.
-The website is organise.
-The guideline is simple too.
-The fonts just using not more then 4 types.
-There is a "help" button on the top right side of the website.
-There is a turning contain inside the contain place.
-There are some secondary navigation just above the disclaimer.

Click Me

-The guideline is simple.
-They use around three fonts.
-The title on the top part, then is the 1st navigation, the secondary navigation is on our left side. There are one more navigation is below the repetition navigation. The contain is just below the 1st navigation. Disclaimer is on the lower part.
-There also a repetition navigation too.
-This website is quite organise.
-The color is quite interesting too.
-The illustrator images are simple and nice.
-When I touch the 1st navigation, it will like melting and it melt some navigation out.
-The place for the contain are always onthe same place.
-The title, the repetition navigation and the disclaimer always appear every page, so it seem like we still in the same website.

Click Me

-The color is interesting.
-The interface is quite simple.
-The guideline is simple too.
-The title and the navigation is on the same level.
-The contain is below the navigation .
-Disclaimer is on the lower part.
-The contain always on the same place.
-The color everytime change when move on to the next page.


Izen New said...

Hi Synn Yin

Your fast action and the hardwork really impress me.

However, I think your analysis is a bit too surface. Maybe you can try to have something like: What so great about it? Why it makes you "WOW"? If something is not good, why? How can it be improved?

Best regards,
Yik Jian

otata said...

Hello Cindy ^_^

You got an interesting site! cool as well. I love the way you describes it.

For the simpson website i love its loading page because it display a donut rolling while numbers indicates how many percent it done load.

The website that i love the most is Ben and Jerry's. You really show the points that interest me and when i enter to it i will know where to click and observes it. Is user friendly and the graphics are bright as it shows positive graphics.And yes, i love to interact with the 'melted' navigation button =). Is something new to me when is saw it.oh and it divides the web pages to which country you are from too. Is convenient since i just need to click a page that's near with our country.

for the website belongs to overall is nice. For me, i think the search bar that filled with graphics are suitable for kids because it has rainbow,music note icons. Is not so too matured graphic-look thingy. I think it suits best.on the right side box that which is use for ad purpose, the cursor changed suddenly. the ad is about The Sim games and it's cursor changed to magician's glove hand icon. Interesting too XD

for the national geographic websites it looks simple to me except for the navigation button have icons beside the title. For example,activities there's a scissors beside it.

eventually, i can't enter the last listed website in your blog and the final fantasy pages. It need to take very long time to load a page.

Sharon Sen said...

All site really know their target audiences. For example, yahoo kid, Ben & Jerry's, Kid National Geography, they play well with the colors that really attract kid's attention. The grid systems are neat and easy to understand. Well planned organizing it for the kids to not get confused. Words are big enough for them as well, and as for the final fantasy, I like their navigation system as they seems to be floating everything you move the mouse. A way to play with the navigation system to make the site more interesting. Other than that, overall is not bad.

BTW, thanks to your website, I can play lots of online game, especially the hilarious Homer....

mikuen said...

I think blogger deleted my comment or something ~_~

Anyways, I wanted to say that The Simpson's website is really hard to navigate around.
It is really interactive though, it makes you feel like you ARE in the website.

For NG: I think it's okay to put more stuff inside.
Space isn't really important as the website is targeted at kids.
They should have more to explore.
I think the minor margin there is enough already.

For FF: This site took really long to load. But from what I remembered of it the last time I visited, the layout is really nice.
Although it has awesome navigation, it won't make the user feel at loss at where to click.
The colors used are also suitable :) Like you said, blue and black.

For the other three sites, I think they're navigations are quite user friendly.

The designs are done in such a way to suit the target audience/product as well.